Silver Needles

The highest grade of white tea is Silver Needle. But the English name is only half of the translation from its original Chinese name, which is Pekeo Silver Needle.

Pe means white.
Keo means fine hairs or fur on leaves.

So pekeo refers to the fine fur on tender leaves.

Pekeo Silver Needle are tips looking like needle and the white fur makes them look silvery, hence the name

There are a 2 main production areas for this tea in Fujian, China. Zhenghe makes a skinnier needle as compared to Fuding, and Zhenghe has lesser fur and shine on the leaves as compared to Fuding.

Zhenghe has a stronger aroma as compared to Fuding, and both are equally good in mouthfeel.

The differences in flavour and appearance are due to the different cultivars. Zhenghe has Zhenghe Big White (Tea) (政和大白(茶)) and Fuding has Fuding Big White (Tea) ( 福鼎大白(茶)) (aka Fuding Pekeo (福鼎白毫)).

Zhenghe white tea is also known as south white tea. Fuding white tea is also known as north white tea.